ESLDO online prepares students to use English with increasing fluency and accuracy in classroom and social situations and to participate in Canadian society as informed citizens. Students will develop the oral-presentation, reading, and writing skills required for success in all school subjects. In ESLDO online, students will extend listening and...
ESLEO online provides students with the skills and strategies they need to make the transition to college and university preparation courses in English and other secondary school disciplines. Students will be encouraged to develop independence in a range of academic tasks. They will participate in debates and lead classroom workshops; read and...
ENG4U online emphasizes the consolidation of the literacy, communication, and critical and creative thinking skills necessary for success in academic and daily life. Students will analyze a range of challenging literary texts from various periods, countries, and cultures; interpret and evaluate informational and graphic texts, and create oral,...
ETS4U online course is for students with a special interest in literature and literary criticism. The course may focus on themes, genres, time periods, or countries. Students will analyze a range of forms and stylistic elements of literary texts and respond personally, critically, and creatively to them. In ETS4U online, students will also assess...
ICS4U online enables students to further develop knowledge and skills in computer science. Students will use modular design principles to create complex and fully documented programs, according to industry standards. Student teams will manage a large software development project, from planning through to project review. Students will also analyze...
MCV4U online builds on student's previous experience with functions and their developing understanding of rates of change. Students will solve problems involving geometric and algebraic representations of vectors, and representations of lines and planes in three-dimensional space; broaden their understanding of rates of change to include the...